“Easter Monday” by Christina Rossetti

Easter Morning
“Easter Morning” Caspar David Friedrich [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons



Out in the rain a world is growing green,
On half the trees quick buds are seen
Where glued-up buds have been.
Out in the rain God’s Acre stretches green,
Its harvest quick tho’ still unseen:
For there the Life hath been.

If Christ hath died His brethren well may die,
Sing in the gate of death, lay by
This life without a sigh:
For Christ hath died and good it is to die;
To sleep whenso He lays us by,
Then wake without a sigh.

Yea, Christ hath died, yea, Christ is risen again:
Wherefore both life and death grow plain
To us who wax and wane;
For Christ Who rose shall die no more again:
Amen: till He makes all things plain
Let us wax on and wane.

Abide with Us: A Lutheran Prayer

Abide with us, O Lord,

for it is toward evening and the day is far spent;

abide with us, and with Thy whole Church.

Abide with us in the evening of the day, in the evening of life,

in the evening of the world.

Abide with us in Thy grace and mercy,

in holy Word and Sacrament,

in Thy comfort and Thy blessing.

Abide with us in the night of distress and fear,

in the night of doubt and temptation,

in the night of bitter death,

when these shall overtake us.

Abide with us and with all Thy faithful ones, O Lord,

in time and in eternity.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

— from The Lutheran Manual of Prayer