Church Year

The Christian year begins on the first week of Advent and follows the pattern of the life of Christ. This orientation towards time allows Christians to follow Jesus through His life, death, and resurrection. The rhythms of this story define the Christian life and provide the faithful with ongoing exposure to the mysteries of Christian faith. As Martin Luther once said, “…it is excellent that the articles of the Christian faith are assigned to particular feasts throughout the year and are arranged in Christendom in such a way that at a particular time we celebrate them and preach about them so that not only we elderly continue to know and believe them, but also young people, thus growing year by year in this confession so that they grasp this knowledge and mature and thrive in it. For it is knowledge which cannot be learned and comprehended enough.”


Online Worldwide Liturgical Calendar (Daily or Weekly)

Christian Liturgical Calendar from Wikimedia Commons                B&W | Color 

The Christian Seasons Calendar from the University Hill Congregation in Canada

An Anglican-inspired Liturgical Year Poster (2019/2020) or Liturgical Year Calendar from Modern Liturgic

Visual Liturgical Calendar for 2019/2020 from artist Barbara Lyon

The 2020 Liturgical Calendar for the Roman Catholic Diocese of the United States with Scripture readings. Download the PDF.

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Ecclesiastical Calendar and Planning Resources for 2019/2020

Download a one-page overview of the 2018-2019 Protestant liturgical calendar (with key dates and colors) from The Reformed Church in America

Calendars and Lectionaries (PDF) from the 2019 ACNA BCP

Articles and Books

The Christian Year: Marking Time by Jesus by Christ Church East Bay (Presbyterian)

“An Introduction to the Christian Year”  by John Whitvliet (Reformed)

“Worshipping with the Christian Year: A Primer” by Howard Vanderwell (Reformed)

“Telling Time Differently as Christ Followers: Understanding and Practicing the Church Year” by Corey Widmer (Anglican)

“The Pattern of the Christian Year”  Bible study by Howard Vanderwell and Norma de Waal Malefyt (Reformed)

Read an interview with Howard Vanderwell here.

“The Church Year: Climbing the Mountain”  by Greg Goebel (Anglican)

“The Church’s Year of Grace: History, Traditions, Beauty” by Sister Joan L. Roccasalvo (Roman Catholic)

Moments and Days: How Our Holy Celebrations Shape Our Faith  by Michelle Van Loon (Evangelical)

Living the Christian Year: Time to Inhabit the Story of God by Bobby Gross. Read an interview with Mr. Gross here.

Let Us Keep The Feast: Living the Church Year at Home edited by Jessica Snell

The Colors of the Church Year


“The Story…as Told Through the Christian Calendar” a video overview of the church calendar by Christ Church (Anglican)


“A Brief Explanation of the Church Calendar” Audio lecture from Trinity Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, AL.