Worship Planning


The Worship SourceBook (2nd Edition) | PDF

The Worship Architect by Constance Cherry

Feasting on the Word: Worship Companion (Revised Common Lectionary Worship Templates)


“Well-Chosen Words: Introducing the Worship Sourcebook” by John Witvliet (Reformed Worship, 2004)

“Top Ten Worship Ideas from John Calvin” by Larry Sibley (Calvin Institute of Worship, 2010)

“Pattern of Worship: A basic flow to the dialogic pattern of worship” from The Worship Sourcebook, 2nd edition

“The History of the Worship Order” and “Five Creative Worship Templates” by Ashley Danyew


The Revised Common Lectionary (Vanderbilt Divinity Library)

The Text This Week: Lectionary Resources

Hymnary: Comprehensive Index of Hymns

Cardiphonia: Prayer, Song, and Art for the Beauty of the Church

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

Lectionary Resources for Planning Worship (Rhythm of Worship)

Liturgical Outlines:

The Order of the Roman Mass Outline (With Explanation of Parts)

The Order of the Roman Mass (With Texts)

An Outline of the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom / Full Text of the Orthodox Divine Liturgy

Reformation Worship: Liturgies from the Past for the Present by Jonathan Gibson and Mark Earngey

“The History of the Worship Order” by Ashley Danyew (brief outline of Early Church, Anglican, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and Methodist liturgies)