The Word was Made Flesh and Dwelt Among Us… “We who have walked in deep darkness have seen a great light! For unto us a child is born, one who will bring eternal peace (Isaiah 9:2-7). We celebrate Christ’s birth (Luke 2:1-20) because he became what we are, giving his life freely that through his grace we might have the hope of salvation (Titus 2:11-14). Because of Jesus, we praise God and declare his glory (Psalm 96). ” – Thomas Oden in Ancient Christian Devotional
Isaiah 9:2-7; 52:7-10; 62:6-12 Psalms 96-98 Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7 Hebrews 1:1-12 Luke 2:1-20 John 1:1-14
God with Us “Isaiah foretold the conception and birth of Jesus as a miraculous sign to us (Isaiah 7:10-16), the way in which God would restore us to salvation (Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19). God gives us grace through Jesus Christ, his Son (Romans 1:1-7), who was born of the Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18-25).” – Thomas Oden in Ancient Christian Devotional
Isaiah 7:10-16 Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 Romans 1:1-7 Matthew 1:18-25
Dawning Light of Our Salvation God is faithful to execute justice on behalf of the humble and oppressed (Psalm 146:5-10 & Luke 1:46b-65). Even in the wilderness, those who hope in the Lord can be strong and celebrate the future return of Jesus (Isaiah 35:1-10). We wait patiently for the time of his reappearance knowing that the coming of the Lord is near. Suffer well and encourage one another (James 5:7-10). The dawning light of our salvation has already appeared through Jesus Christ. His first coming assures his people of their final victory (Matthew 11:2-11).
Isaiah 35:1-10 Psalm 146:5-10 James 5:7-10 Matthew 11:2-11
Behold, the Hope of the World “The prophet Isaiah foretells the coming of Christ (Isaiah 11:1-10), who will defend the afflicted and crush the oppressor (Psalm 72:1-7). In light of the Savior’s arrival, John the Baptist calls us to repentance (Matthew 3:1-12). We praise God for his marvelous deeds (Psalms 72:18-19). Because of Christ, the root of Jesse, we have hope for the future through the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:4-13).”