Four-Fold Worship


“The Super-Concentrated Act of Public Worship” by John Witvliet (Reformed Worship, March 2016)

“Four-Fold Pattern of Worship” by Greg Scheer (from The Calvin Institute of Worship) 

Ten Core Conviction about Christian Worship and Practice” (from The Calvin Institute of Worship) 

“The Four-Fold Pattern of Worship” by Matthew Price

“A Guide to Worship” – Four-Fold Worship Guide from Eucharist SF (Anglican)

Dialogic Pattern of Worship Flowchart

“A Guide to the Liturgy” An overview of historic Four-Fold Worship from Trinity Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, AL.

“The History of the Worship Order” and “Five Creative Worship Templates” by Ashley Danyew


Essential Worship: A Handbook for Leaders by Greg Scheer (Calvin Institute of Christian Worship)

Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation by James K. Smith (Christian Reformed Church)

Story-Shaped Worship: Following Patterns from the Bible and History by Robbie Castleman (Baptist)

Liturgical Theology: The Church As Worshipping Community by Simon Chan (Assemblies of God)

The Shape of the Liturgy by Dom Gregory Dix (Roman Catholic)

Beyond Smells and Bells: The Power of Christian Liturgy by Mark Galli (Anglican)

Rhythms of Grace: How the Church’s Worship Tells the Story of the Gospel by Mike Cosper (Baptist)

Spirit and Sacrament: An Invitation to Eucharismatic Worship            by Andrew Wilson (Evangelical/Reformed)

Authentic Worship in a Changing Culture (Christian Reformed Church – Study on Modern Worship)

Evangelical vs. Liturgical? Defying a Dichotomy by Melanie Ross (Free Church)

Reformation Worship: Liturgies from the Past for the Present by Jonathan Gibson and Mark Earngey