God gave the law through Moses so that we would find life by living according to His word (Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20). We are called to contemplate the beauty of God’s creation and meditate on his words (Psalm 19). God has provided salvation for us in spite of our unfaithfulness (Psalm 80:7-15). In response, we are called to live in faith, knowing that our righteousness is only found in Christ (Philippians 3:4b-14). He is the only sure foundation for a fruitful life (Matthew 21:33-46).
Transgression, Humility, and the Faithfulness of Jesus
Cry out to God and remember what he has done. Listen to his promises, trust him, and live according to his ways (Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16). God is gracious to provide for our needs, even when we complain and are undeserving (Exodus 17:1-17). In gratitude, we turn from our own concerns to consider others better than ourselves (Philippians 2:1-13). Through faith and trust, we bow in humility to take Jesus at his word, accepting his authority and divinity (Matthew 21:23-32).
God provided life, protection, and guidance for those he brought out of bondage in Egypt (Ex. 14:19-31 & Ps. 114). There is none other like him, majestic in holiness (Ex. 15:1-11, 20-21) and abounding in steadfast love and forgiveness (Ps. 103:1-13). Joseph sought to emulate God’s merciful character by extending forgiveness to those who had tried to harm him (Gen. 50:15-21). In the same way, Jesus teaches his followers to forgive others generously (Matt. 18:21-35). Jesus is Lord, therefore, bear with those who are weak in faith (Rom. 14:1-12).