Serving God “Praise the Lord! Blessed is the maker of heaven and earth (Psalm 146). Give us the faithfulness of Ruth (Ruth 1:1-18) and the strength to love you with all our hearts (Mark 12:28-34) so we may serve you, the living God (Hebrews 9:11-14).”
-Thomas Oden, Ancient Christian Devotional
God’s Mercy “The Lord has delivered me from all my fears (Psalm 34:1-8, 19-22); there is nothing he cannot do (Job 42:1-6, 10-17). His mercy, grace and power (Mark 10:46-52) are shown through his sacrifice for our sins (Hebrews 7:23-28).”
-Thomas Oden, Ancient Christian Devotional
Humble Yourself “Praise the Lord, my soul (Psalm 104:1-9, 24, 35c), for God laid the foundations of the earth (Job 38:1-7, 34-41). Help us to serve rather than to strive for greatness (Mark 10:35-45), just as Christ humbled himself as a sacrifice for us (Hebrews 5:1-10).”
Hear Our Cries “Lord. hear our cries when we are in trouble (Psalm 22:1-15), for we know only you can deliver us (Job 23:1-9, 16-17). Help us to give up all we hold dear (Mark 10:17-31) and approach you for mercy and grace in our time of need (Hebrews 4:12-16).” -Thomas Oden, Ancient Christian Devotional
Faithfulness and Fidelity
Those who trust God are called to acknowledge their dependence and live blamelessly (Psalm 8 and Psalm 26). Job is an example of faithfulness, even in the midst of suffering (Job 1:1, 2:1-10). In all things we must follow Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12). This includes honoring faithful relationships between men and women (Genesis 2:18-24 and Mark 10:2-14). Jesus calls his followers to receive the ways of God’s kingdom like little children, in innocence and purity (Mark 10:14-16 and Psalm 8).