Notable Feast Days this Week:

April 27 - Assicus, Bishop of Elphin (Ireland), c.490 
April 28 - Cronan, Roscrea
April 29 - Jason and Sosipater, Romans 16:21 (Eastern)
April 29 - Catherine of Siena, 1380 (Western)
April 30 - James Zebedee, Apostle (Eastern)
May 1 - Philip & James, Apostles
May 2 - Athanasius, Bishop, 373
May 3 - Philip & James Alphaeus, Apostles (Roman)

Revised Common Lectionary

Acts 2:43-47
Psalm 23
1 Peter 2:19-25
John 10:1-10

Daily Readings (RCL)
Abbreviated Daily Readings

Liturgical Color - White/Gold

Fourth Sunday in Easter / May 3, 2020

Shepherd of the Sheep

Jesus is the gate to salvation (John 10:1-10). He is the guardian and shepherd of our souls (1 Peter 2:19-25). Those who follow and know his voice are called to patiently endure suffering and pray for abundant common life (Acts 2:42-47). Take comfort, God watches over his children and will lead them through death and into safety (Psalm 23).

Psalm 23
Scripture Readings

"The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul...Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me...”

Commentary on Psalm 23
Benedict XVIJohn Calvin
Martin LutherCharles Spurgeon

Psalm 23, Acts 2,1 Peter 2, John 10

Spotify Playlist
Psalm 23

Acts 2:42-47
Life together in the early church

1 Peter 2:19-25
Follow the shepherd, even in suffering

John 10:1-10
Christ is our shepherd

Daily Readings
Revised Common Lectionary

Daily Readings
Book of Common Prayer

Bible in a Year
Lectionary Resources
"... they will find pasture. That is, they will never lack anything. For all the saints receive the fullness of Christ; they eat the bread of God and drink living water, and so they never hunger or thirst. For more about this, read Psalm 23, which is entirely related to this text. Therefore, in the church there is salvation, safety and an abundance of goods, all of which come from Christ the shepherd. Outside of Christ and the church there is nothing but destruction, anxious fear and a lack of all good things. There is … an abundance of bad things and every kind of misfortune. Whoever, then, is wise will strive by God’s grace to climb up or to enter into the fold of the sheep through that door alone, Christ Jesus." -Heinrich Bullinger
Collect for The Fourth Sunday of Easter
"O God, whose Son Jesus is the good shepherd of your people; Grant that when we hear his voice we may know him who calls us each by name, and follow where he leads; who, with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen." -from The Book of Common Prayer
Resources for Good Shepherd Sunday
"Shepherd God, you caused your Spirit to come mightily upon David. You promised your children your comforting presence and direction. You sent Jesus as the light of the world to remove the scales from our eyes. We behold your grandeur and offer the praise due your name." -James Kirk, When We Gather

"When you see yourself shepherded and guided safely by the Lord, rejoice in the words of Psalm 23." -AthanasiusOn the Interpretation of the Psalms 17 (OIP 67)

"I am like the sick sheep that strays from the rest of the flock. Unless the Good Shepherd takes me on His shoulders and carries me back to His fold, my steps will falter, and in the very effort of rising, my feet will give way." -Jerome
Singing Psalms and Hymns
Hymn Suggestions for the Fourth Sunday of Easter from 

All Sheep Need a Shepherd - A Worship Service based on Psalm 23 and John 10

Paschal Troparion | Greek Hymn with music by The Opiate Mass | Leadsheet

The King of Love My Shepherd Is | Words by Henry Baker (1868) | Leadsheet

Psalm 23 Refrain | from The Emergent Psalter Leadsheet

Psalm 23 Pointed Chant | Chart How to Sing Pointed Chant

Hymns related to Psalm 23 from

CCLI Contemporary Liturgy Song Select for Easter 4

Shepherd Me O God (Psalm 23) | by Marty Haugen | Leadsheet 

The Good Shepherd | Fernando Ortega | Leadsheet

Jesus, Lover of My Soul | Charles Wesley | Leadsheet

Psalm 23:1-2 (Verses Project) | Zach Winters 

Psalm 23:5-6 (Verses Project) | Dave Wilton 

Twenty Three | Aaron Strumpel | Leadsheet

Psalm 23
| by Sarah Majorins | Leadsheet

Psalm 23 | Luke Morton | Leadsheet

Free Psalm 23 Choral Scores

Psalm 23 | Metrical Options 
Music for Listening
"Be Still" by Loud Harp
"Leave it There" by Wilder Adkins
"Quasimodo, Easter Octave - Introit at Mass" from the Abbey of Jouques 
The Proclamation of Easter - Exsultet 
performed by Alejandro Tobón and the Gregorian choir of Paris
Thematic Art 
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