Notable Feast Days this Week

May 21 - Constantine and Helena (Eastern and Lutheran) 
May 22 - Second Ecumenical Council, 381 (Eastern)

May 23 - Mary Clopas, John 19:25 (Eastern)
May 24 - Joanna, wife of Chuza, Luke 8:3 (Roman Catholic)
May 25 - Venerable Bede, 735 (Western)
May 26 - Augustine of Canterbury, 605 (Anglican, Eastern)
May 27 - Augustine of Canterbury, 605 (Roman Catholic)
May 27 - John Calvin, 1564 (Lutheran)

Revised Common Lectionary

Isaiah 6:1-8
Psalm 29
Romans 8:12-17
John 3:1-17

Daily Readings (RCL)
Liturgical Color - White

------------- Trinity Sunday ------------- May 27, 2018 (Year B)
Born by the Spirit into the Life of God
Jesus tells us that we need to be born again into the dynamic life of our Creator. In faith, we are baptized and receive the Holy Spirit (John 3:1-17). This same Spirit leads us to new life and adopts us as God's children (Romans 8:12-17). The ruler of the universe promises to save His children, giving them strength and peace (Psalm 29). Our response of gratitude is to cry, "Here am I, Lord! Send me (Isaiah 6:1-8)!"
Trinity Sunday (May 27) 
The half-way point in the Western Christian Calendar

In the west, the celebration of Trinity Sunday started in the 10th century and was officially established by Pope John XXII (1316-1334). This Sunday marks the entrance into the longest season of the Christian liturgical year that is observed on the Sunday after Pentecost. Eastern Orthodox churches do not observe this feast but focus on the doctrine of the Trinity in Pentecost liturgical texts. Instead, the Eastern tradition observes All Saints Sunday the week after Pentecost.

The doctrine of the Trinity is the bedrock of Christian belief and practice. It presents an understanding of reality that is saturated with the presence of God. The undivided eternal relationship of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is pure noncontingent being from which all is created and renewed. The Christian life is lived in the context of the Trinitarian relationship. Self-giving love imitates the very nature of God's life. 

"The Trinity—Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Three persons in one nature. Distinct and yet inseparable. Co-equal and co-eternal. The Trinity seems to defeat us. Scholars and theologians throw up their hands. Such is the sublime nature of dogma, however, that both the keenest intellect and the heart of the simplest workman are invited to grapple with its depths. A fisherman can understand that love is the organizing principle of the universe. A carpenter can grasp the miracle that the Son of God—I AM WHO AM--entered human history at a particular time and place. A mother—especially a mother—can understand that reality is undergirded by relationship, community." - Heather King
Psalm of the Week
Scripture Readings
Ascribe to the Lord, you heavenly beings, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness. The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders...The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic.

Psalm 29, Isaiah 6Romans 8, John 3

Commentary on Psalm 29
Thomas Aquinas
Isaiah 6:1-8
Isaiah's vision and call

Romans 8:12-17
Living by the Spirit

John 3:1-17
Born into the life of God

Daily Readings
Revised Common Lectionary

Daily Readings
Book of Common Prayer

The Entire Bible in One Year
"Jesus teaches what it means to be born of the Spirit. It means being baptized as a sign of God's grace; it means life unlimited by the frailties of the flesh; it means that those believing in Christ are no longer condemned. Salvation comes as a gift of God's love. Nicodemus asks Jesus for clarity; what he gets is much more. Jesus invited him to believe that life in the Spirit is eternal life."
- James Kirk, When We Gather: A Book of Prayers for Worship
Practicing Prayer
Almighty and everlasting God, you have given to us your servants grace, by the confession of a true faith, to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity, and in the power of your divine Majesty to worship the Unity: Keep us steadfast in this faith and worship, and bring us at last to see you in your one and eternal glory, O Father; who with the Son and the Holy Spirit live and reign, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 
-The Book of Common Prayer
Contemplative Prayer (View and Download)
Morning Prayer (View and Download)
More Resources for Daily Prayer
Spotify Playlist
Singing Psalms and Hymns
Hymn suggestions for Trinity Sunday (Year B) from 

Hymns related to Psalm 29 from

The Trinity Song | by Sandra McCraken | Leadsheet

Holy, Holy, Holy | by Reginald Heber (1826), arranged by Bobby Krier and Citylife Church in Boston, MA | Leadsheet

Prayer to the Trinity Prayer of St. Ioannikios (9th Century)Music by Tripp Prince | Leadsheet and Lyrics

Holy (Psalm 29) | by Calie Garrett | Leadsheets

For the Beauty of the Earth | Words and music by Folliott S. Pierpoint, 1835-1917 / Arranged by Trevor McMaken, 2012 | Leadsheet

Jesus, the Light of the World | Words: Charles Wesley and George D. Elderkin /
Music: George D. Elderkin, 1890 | Leadsheet

Psalm 29 (Ascribe to the Lord) | Tune "Arise, Shine, for Your Light Has Come" / Words by P.Majorins based on Psalm 29 | Leadsheet

Psalm 29 Metrical Options

Psalm 29 Refrain | from The Emergent Psalter Leadsheet
Ancient Commentary on John 3:1-17
"Our Redeemer and Maker, who was Son of God before the ages, became Son of man at the end of ages. Thus the one who, through the power of his divinity, had created us to enjoy the happiness of everlasting life, might himself restore us, through the weakness of our humanity, to recover the life we had lost." -Bede
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